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Rise of the Micro-Influencers: How Smaller Creators Can Drive Big Results

Influencers don’t need to be social media megastars to succeed. For every old Vine star with millions of followers, there are plenty of smaller creators with more modest communities just waiting to help brands like yours. In fact, micro-influencers make up nearly half of all influencers, and the majority of marketers prefer working with them.

The reason for this trend is simple – these smaller social media users can mean big business for brands that use them appropriately. We break down what it means to be a micro-influencer and why they’re becoming increasingly popular for businesses of all sizes.

What is a Micro-Influencer?

Micro-influencers are digital creators who can help businesses promote their products and services to potential customers. Like other types of influencers, these creators have loyal social media followings that businesses can leverage for relatable, more authentic user-generated content.

Of course, there is one major difference between micro-influencers and other creators – the size of their following. Micro-influencers have a smaller audience than others, which you may have guessed by the term “micro.” Social media management platform Sprout Social breaks influencers down into the following groups.

  • Nano-influencers: 1,000-10,000 followers
  • Micro-influencers: 10,000-100,000 followers
  • Macro-influencers: 100,000-1 million followers
  • Mega or celebrity influencers: More than 1 million followers

Like other influencers, micro-influencers help businesses connect to their audiences on TikTok, Instagram, and wherever else they have a following. The point of this partnership is to share your brand in a way that feels more authentic and trustworthy.

Why Invest in Micro-Influencers?

Simply put, people follow these influencers because they’re interested in their content. These creators can create content that feels less like a sales pitch and more like a real recommendation from someone they actively like. They also help you diversify you marketing efforts to reach people who may not have seen your brand without one of their favorite influencers introducing you.

That more personal introduction to your brand does more than just drive potential customers – it can help build meaningful relationships. 83.8% of marketers report gaining better-quality customers through influencer marketing, all because of authentic content that makes your brand seem more trustworthy.

Brands can also do more than just hope that these efforts drive success – campaigns with micro-influencers can be easily tracked and measured. Brands can analyze metrics such as engagement rates, website traffic, and conversions to assess the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Are Micro-Influencers Better for Businesses Than Bigger Creators?

The right approach to influencer marketing depends on your business and what you want to accomplish. Bigger influencers have plenty of positives, but more brands are partnering with micro-influencers these days than in the past. There are several ways that your business can benefits from micro-influencers.

  • Lower cost. Micro-influencers typically charge significantly less than macro-influencers or celebrities since they have smaller followings. This difference allows brands to allocate their budgets more strategically and get more value for their investment.
  • Higher engagement rates. While micro-influencers may not have the following and their macro or mega cousins, they often have a more engaged and loyal community. For example, micro-influencers typically enjoy engagements rates starting around 7%, which is double that of bigger creators.
  • More targeted audience. Micro-influencers are great at connecting with niche communities, beauty, fitness, tech, or lifestyle. This focused audience makes them valuable for brands looking to target a more specific and highly engaged community.
  • Trust and authenticity. 70% of consumers trust micro-influencers more than celebrities. This growing trend is largely because people prefer to get recommendations from micro-influencers who feel more like “real people” and foster trust with their followers.
  • Long-term relationships. Micro-influencers can be more than just a one-time partner. Many brands are moving toward building long-term partnerships with micro-influencers, creating a consistent brand presence over time.

3 Tips for Finding the Right Micro-Influencers for Your Business

Deciding that you want to try influencer marketing is the first step – the next is figuring out who can best help your business achieve its goals. There are a few ways that you can narrow down your search to partner with ideal influencers for your brand.

  • Use influencer marketing platforms. There are a variety of platforms, such as Klear and Grin, that offer advanced tools to help identify micro-influencers based on their audience demographics, content focus, and engagement rates.
  • Use targeted social media searches. Use hashtag searches, local geo-tags, and specific interest-based searches on platforms like Instagram and TikTok to discover influencers who operate in a niche that aligns well with your brand.
  • Focus on engagement over number of followers. Assess the quality of engagement through comments, likes, and shares to ensure the influencer has an authentic connection with their audience.

Leverage Micro-Influencers for Macro Results

Influencer marketing has steadily grown in popularity for businesses of all sizes, but sometimes you need help getting started. Aztek works with brands to leverage micro-influencers and other social media strategies to build loyal communities that drive business. Reach out to Aztek today to learn how we can support your business’ digital marketing efforts.