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Building a Stronger Digital Footprint: The Power of a Multi-Tactics Approach

So, you want to build a digital powerhouse. Too often we see businesses dive headfirst into one or two marketing tactics, hoping that’ll be the answer to online success. While it’s tempting to focus on a single strategy, a more holistic approach to digital marketing is what will truly set your business apart.

Think about your online marketing strategy like building a house. You wouldn’t just focus on the foundation or the roof, right? Any experienced contractor will tell you that you need a strong combination of all the essential components to create a sturdy, lasting home. The same goes for digital marketing.

Let’s break down all the elements we think are necessary for an optimized online presence, as well as how those tactics can be paired together to supercharge your growth.

Digital Marketing Tactics 101

First, let’s go over each digital marketing tactic and the unique benefits it brings to the table.

Digital Advertising (PPC)

Digital advertising allows businesses to reach potential customers through targeted ads displayed on search engine results pages, websites, social platforms, and other digital channels. The advantage of PPC is that it offers immediate visibility and targeted reach.

Email Marketing

Email marketing provides a direct channel to communicate with your audience. It's effective for nurturing leads, building relationships, and driving conversions. By delivering personalized and timely messages, businesses can foster customer loyalty and in turn, increase sales.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing builds brand awareness, drives engagement, and generates leads through interactive platforms. It offers valuable insights into audience behavior, facilitates community building, and can amplify your brand's message through user-generated content.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the foundation of your online presence. By optimizing your website's content and structure, SEO improves your organic visibility to attract more qualified traffic and boost your credibility.

Content Marketing

Content marketing attracts and retains customers by providing valuable, relevant, and consistent content. It establishes thought leadership, builds trust, and improves SEO by providing keyword-rich content.

The Power of Synergy in Digital Marketing

While each of these digital marketing tactics can deliver results on its own, their true potential is achieved when they work together. Here are some examples:

  • Digital Advertising and Email Marketing: Digital advertising can generate leads, which can then be nurtured through targeted email campaigns.
  • Social Media and Content Marketing: Share your content on social platforms to increase visibility and engagement, driving traffic back to your website.
  • SEO and Content Marketing: High-quality, keyword-optimized content improves your website's search rankings, leading to increased organic traffic.
  • Digital Advertising and SEO: PPC can help you discover high-performing keywords, which can then be incorporated into your SEO strategy.
  • Email and Content Marketing: Email helps content reach your audience, while quality content in turn drives better email engagement.
  • Email Marketing and Social Media: Promote your email newsletter on social media to grow your subscriber list.
  • Digital Advertising and Social Media: Organic social media posts can reinforce ad messaging, amplifying overall campaign impact.
  • Email Marketing and Sales: Email can also support ongoing sales efforts, as it can help your sales team connect and nurture leads.

3 Real-World Examples of Collaborative Digital Marketing

Example 1: Digital Advertising and Social Media

Company: A cybersecurity software provider

Strategy: The cybersecurity company can run PPC ads targeting keywords like "data breach prevention" and "cybersecurity solutions." Simultaneously, they can share informative content and industry insights on social media platforms like LinkedIn. This content can include case studies, whitepapers, and expert opinions on the latest cyber threats. The social media posts can reinforce the messaging of the PPC ads, positioning the company as a thought leader in cybersecurity.

Example 2: Digital Advertising and Email Marketing

Company: A fashion retailer

Strategy: The fashion retailer can use PPC ads to target specific demographics based on interests, such as "women's fashion" or "luxury clothing." Once users click on the ad, they are directed to a landing page where they can sign up for the company's email list. The email list can then be segmented based on user preferences and behavior, allowing the retailer to send targeted email campaigns with personalized product recommendations and exclusive offers.

Example 3: SEO and Content Marketing

Company: A software-as-a-service (SaaS) company

Strategy: The SaaS company can create high-quality blog posts and articles addressing pain points and challenges faced by its target audience. By optimizing this content for relevant keywords, the company can improve its search engine rankings. As the company's website gains visibility, it attracts organic traffic of potential customers interested in their solutions. This combination of SEO and content marketing establishes the company as an industry authority and generates qualified leads.

Build the Digital Marketing Strategy of Your Dreams

Each digital marketing tactic offers unique benefits, but the key to a successful online strategy lies in understanding how it’s the combination of all these elements that truly sets businesses apart. By leveraging digital advertising, email, social media, SEO, and content marketing, you can create a comprehensive approach that attracts, engages, and converts customers.

Ready to unlock your full growth potential, but not sure where to start? Aztek partners with organizations to elevate their overall digital marketing strategy and achieve greater success. Reach out today to talk to our team about how we support your marketing efforts.