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Jon Vokes

Senior Front-end Designer and Developer

As the Senior Front-end Designer/Developer I am tasked with the front-end build out of new websites, redesigns and new features for existing websites. I help support the delivery and digital marketing team with technical front-end expertise (html/CSS/Javascript) and am often in direct contact with clients to help solve issues pertaining to their websites.

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Marketing Hot Take

Sometimes a meeting wastes less time than an email.

I know most meetings can be a disruption to your workflow when unplanned and most often should be just handled by email, but sometimes when describing something complex or sensitive it’s better to have a 5 min meeting/call to explain something rather than go back and forth through email trying to decipher meaning and tone of what is being communicated.

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My two beautiful girls!

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Favorite project or outcome:

OhioBWCDiscounts – It was fun working on this project because it was a little out of my comfort zone in terms of our usual tech stack but nonetheless, we were able to produce a pixel-perfect, lightning fast site with a quick turnaround time.

Thing that I like that nobody else does:

When I win playing any kind of tabletop board game. Apparently, no one likes it when I scream IN YOUR FACE FLANDERS upon winning. Weird.

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.

- Bruce Lee