If you don't get this right, you will be mocked incessantly for the duration of your tenure at aztek. But if you follow this guide, everything will be alright.
- A number no smaller than the greater of 6 or 1/4 of the total number of donuts shall be Boston creme. This is not negotiable.
- For those confused, Boston creme are the custard filled.
- Cream filled are allowed, but in addition to, not as replacement for, the Boston cremes.
- Nobody likes jelly. Not here. Not anywhere.
- A bagel is acceptable for Jim, should the chosen establishment offer such fare.
- Once the requisite donut orders above have been filled, the rest of the order may be filled with:
- plain cake
- chocolate cake
- plain cake, chocolate icing
- chocolate cake, chocolate icing
- german chocolate (no more than 2)
- blueberry (cake, not filled)
- sour cream (w/ or w/o icing)
- Under no circumstances do you let the donut shop employee choose any of the donuts for you.
- We prefer local shops (Jack Frost, Beckers) over chains (Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme) but ultimately will accept donuts from anywhere.
- We thought it was obvious, but surprisingly some people need to be told: Buy enough donuts for everyone.